So today I have been "little missy homemaker." I started out at Billing's great farmers market. It's located right in the middle of down town and takes up seven blocks. Thanks to several Hutterite colonies the market is filled with mucho wonderful produce. So I pick up (cause I didn't get a garden planted here in Billings,,,,well actually I don't even have room for a garden) a bunch of tender, greenist I've ever seen, Green beans, a sack full of corn which was $4.00 for 12 but this particular stand boasted that each sack had 15. And they did :), some crunchy yummy baby carrots, and some brocoli. J also picked up some, go figure, fancy dancy hot dogs and a grange fed frozen chicken which was worth just listening to the guy explain why we wanted this kind as apposed to store bought & highly refined. After that little sales pitch, I'm suprised any of us are still alive after eating store bought chicken. I get all our treasure home & have to do something with them. I search out the Ball Canning Book, look up the freezing section, and roll up my sleeves. Now I'm feeling pretty good & have filled up a little bit more of the big chest freezer which has been mostly empty since we've move here.